How can beginners become successful entrepreneurs I discovered entrepreneurship and grew a 20 million online business and I'll show you how hey everybody dan henry here and today's question comes how can a beginner become like you.


Well, I'm gonna assume that what you mean is how can a beginner become a successful entrepreneur I don't want to be as pretentious as to say become like me because there's a lot of successful entrepreneurs I wouldn't try to put myself above anybody.


But I would say that the biggest thing to remember and this is a funny question because I get this question all the time how can a beginner do what you do and I always am perplexed by this question because I sit there and I say to myself well it's not like.

I wasn't a beginner you know at some point I was a beginner I believe everybody is a beginner so to me, I always say to myself what is driving you to ask that question like what's going on in your mindset for you to even articulate it that way because it's a flawed question.

And I don't mean to say it's you know there's no such thing as stupid questions but when I say flawed question it's flawed in the logic behind how it's articulated because by saying how can a beginner become like you.

You are assuming you are setting the precedent that I or other successful people weren't beginners and that you are in a special situation you are special you are different than me or different than this person and therefore you need a separate set of instructions you need a separate set of rules.

You need your own little unique reality and that's the thing is that's not true because I was in the same position you were roll I was in the same position everybody was in the same position he was like in his 30s or 40s or something selling used books.

I mean everybody is a beginner at some point and so instead of me answering that question, I'd like to maybe expand your mind a little bit on why you're asking the question this is what's holding you back so here's the answer.


If you think that you have a different set of rules a different set of instructions a different situation than someone else that you look up to you fundamentally miss the thing that made that person successful and that is that nobody's unique and it doesn't matter.


If you had an advantage or a disadvantage right like some people say well I have a disadvantage because I was born here or because my family wasn't wealthy or because I was born in a place that didn't have access to as much public infrastructure as this place.

Like when you play golf you have the red tees the white tees and the blue tees so the red tees are closest to the hole and I believe the blue tees are the furthest away from the hole and so when you start at the blue tees.

And I could have these mixed up but when you start at the blue tees you're further away so they do this handicap system where basically if you're not that good at golf you get to start from the red or the white tees and if you are good at golf you start from the blue tees as to make it fair.

Because you have longer to shoot for the whole and so I've always viewed life like that like some people get to start from the red tee they're closer to the whole maybe they were born with some sort of advantage or they were born in a plate-like maybe you want to be a public speaker.

And obviously, if you're born in new york you have an advantage over somebody that's born in Idaho or something and so that person might be shooting from the red teas and you might be shooting from the blue cheese you may be farther away from the hole but the end of the day is.

You can still get to the hole you swing the club and yeah maybe it takes you one or two or three maybe even four strokes to get to the green more than that other person because they were closer to the whole sure but it doesn't matter because the only competition you should have is with yourself.

It's not a competition as long as you get to the hole and you finish the game and you get to that 18th hole and you drop that ball in the hole you have completed the course and that's the thing is stop worrying about if somebody has an advantage who cares.


It doesn't matter play the game swing in the club get to the hole that's the thing and so my advice for beginners is to stop caring that you're a beginner because we were all beginners period end of the story pick up a book learn to pick up another book learn to find somebody that knows what you want to know.

Pay them to learn to go out do things that we all did so I wish I could answer that question but the answer to that question is bs and I gotta call bs on it the answer to the question is to learn to think differently right like.

If i was asking that question I would say dan if you could go back in time as a beginner knowing what you know now what things would you put more time on and what things would you put less time and energy on to get to where you are now fast that's.

What i would ask is not how can a beginner become like you because it sets that precedent that you are under a different set of rules you're not playing a different game one of the reasons.

I can share all the mistakes i made because i didn't have a teacher when i first came on the up and up i got consulting and stuff